We work to produce clean energy!

Wind measurement

Quality of the measurements

Turnkey projects
Le nostre certificazioni

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 45001:2018
Our services
Our numbers
Europe: 25.5 GW (20% of the total of 130 GW)
Africa and Middle East: 150 MW (10% de 1.5 GW Total)
Latin America: 950 MW (25% de 3.8 GW Total)

Our projects
- All
- Company
- Research and Development
Why us?
We are able to carry out and completely manage the measurement program, from the obtaining of authorizations, the installation of measurement instruments, the recovery and analysis of data to determine the evaluation of energy yield.
The proactive monitoring of the measuring stations makes it possible to determine, as soon as possible, any type of malfunction of the measuring system, preventing the loss of data inasmuch as is possible. The data are stored in redundant form to prevent any risk of accidental loss.
More than twenty years of experience in wind resource knowledge allows us to perform precise analyses of productivity, using the most modern and state-of-the-art software.
A team of highly skilled and consolidated experienced professionals has the mission of support and swift response to the needs of the customers, ensuring their maximum satisfaction.
We have implemented tools to guarantee the principles of moral integrity, such as transparency, loyalty and a culture of legality, both within our company and in contractual relations. We adhere to the International Transparency Italy BIF (Business Integrity Forum) di Transparency International Italia program promoted by large companies.
The protection of the plant also depends on us
`` There is no wind to lose! `` Quote.
"The earth is not an inheritance received from our Parents, but instead is a loan that will be returned to our children " Quote.
Our objective is to reach the world, to offer people a natural, clean and economical energy resource
`` When there is no energy, there is no colour, there is no form, and no life ''. Quote
Climate change is real. The challenge is exciting and the longer we wait, the more difficult it will be to solve the problem
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