We are Windy!
Installers recommend sites with average wind speeds of at least 12 mph, but specific land requirements vary. Zoning codes sometimes impose a minimum requirement on lot size or on the distance a turbine may be placed from a property line and may vary depending on the height of the proposed turbine.
Also, it is essential to have a site with unobstructed access to winds, which most often requires higher towers, larger land lots, and non-urban locations.
Our target is reaching out to the world, to give people a natural energy sources, clean and cheap. Currently we are still struggling trying to research the latest turbine technology to optimize.
Our target is reaching out to the world, to give people a natural energy sources clean.
Currently we are still struggling trying to research the latest turbine technology to optimize power conversion into energy using wind with the highest performance.
Why Us?
On average, a typical American home would require a small turbine with a 5-kW generating capacity to meet all its electricity needs.
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Team Technical Services the opportunity to offer their high-end portable digital pressure calibrators and digital test gauges to complement.
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« La protection de la planète dépend de nous »
“Non c’è vento da perdere!” CIT.
« La terre n’est pas un héritage reçu de nos parents, mais un prêt à retourner à nos enfants »
« Notre objectif est de parvenir au monde pour offrir aux personnes une ressource d’énergie naturelle, propre et économique »
“Quando non c’è energia non c’è colore, non c’è forma, non c’è vita.” CIT.
« Le changement climatique est réel ; le défi est sérieux et plus nous attendrons plus il sera difficile de régler le problème »