Idnamic is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 in the field of "Design, supply, assembly, installation, maintenance and disassembly of anemometric towers and their instrumentation” in the field of “Development and analysis of wind data" by the company PLC Srl, a company accredited by ACCREDIA, which is the only body authorized by the Italian government and operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Idnamic is a company certified ISO 45001:2018 for the "Design, assembly, installation, maintenance and disassembly of anemometric towers and related equipment" and in the "processing and analysis of wind data” da parte della società RINA Service S.p.a. la quale è anch’essa accreditata da ACCREDIA e membro della federazione CISQ e di IQNet.

Idnamic is a company certified ISO 14001:2015 for the "Progettazione, fornitura, assemblaggio, installazione, manutenzione e rimozione di torri anemometriche e relativa strumentazione" and in the "processing and analysis of wind data” da parte della società SOCOTEC Certification UK.

Idnamic is a company certified  per la 231-Organismo di Vigilanza

Valori e principi quali legalità, correttezza, sicurezza, professionalità e tutela dell’ambiente sono i pilastri essenziali su cui Idnamic fonda la propria mission.

Idnamic, anche nel perseguimento dei più alti livelli di etica e compliance, ha scelto di adottare il proprio Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo per indicare e diffondere i principi e le norme di comportamento che devono essere rispettati da tutti coloro che intrattengono attività lavorative, in via anche occasionale, con la Società.

Attraverso la concreta applicazione del Modello, ed il suo costante aggiornamento, Idnamic garantisce idonee procedure operative e sistemi di controllo efficienti ed efficaci in grado di prevenire ed arginare la possibile commissione delle fattispecie di reato previste all’interno del D.Lgs. 231/2001.

La Società si è dotata, altresì, di un organismo di vigilanza, autonomo ed indipendente la cui casella di posta elettronica riservata risulta essere

Our personnel are qualified for the following activities:

  • "Safety in work at height"
  • "Workers involved in systems of access and positioning using ropes"
  • "Evacuation and rescue at height using the descender"
  • "Specific training of workers – High-risk sectors"
  • "Specific training of workers – Low-risk sectors"
  • "BOSIET (Basic offshore safety induction and emergency training)"
  • “Safety at Height – Installation & Control Vertical Systems”
  • "Training in the use of PPE for prevention and protection against falls from height"
  • "First aid – Companies of group B and C"
  • "Management of emergencies and corporate emergencies"
  • "Fire prevention, firefighting and management of emergencies in medium-risk activities"
  • "Dewi training course- Wind measuring for the evaluation of resources"
  • "Carl-C training course – Installation of the self-standing met mast"
  • "Operational training in Windcube"
  • "Worker’s representative for safety "
  • "Training for the person in charge - Tasks, obligations and responsibilities"
  • "Worker for the specific equipment of work machines and earth moving "
  • "Truck crane operator"
  • "industrial fork lift operator"

Idnamic is associated with ANEV (National Wind Energy Association), ELETTRICITA’ FUTURA and CONFINDUSTRIA